Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Meeting Val

After getting our brief for this project, we had a meeting with some of the people that work at Latest TV. From this meeting, we got some extra information on the channel, and what would be needed for the idents and what shows would be on the channel.

As the channel is local, the main target audience for the channel would be the locals of Brighton. The content on the channel will have various audiences, so the idents for the channel should be varied to suit most audiences. The channel will run for 24 hours and as well as having original show,s there will also be bought in content. The channel will be commited to local news and shows 2 hours a day. The main font of Latest TV is Verdana, and the logo colour is red so it would be best to stick with these as they are the channel's current branding.

The shows the are being thought of at the moment are Brighton Lights, The Vote, City Of, Deep and Meaningless, and Shuvit (Name of show may be changed).

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