Wednesday, 27 March 2013

FIrst Idea Pitch

After showing my ideas for my idents to Val and getting other ideas from my class, I feel that this is going to be a promising idea. Val seemed to like the art style I have used for my mockups, so I will try to replicated that in my final idents. However, I am still unsure how I am going to make the pictures look like that are going to be drawn in. I have a concept that I like, but I lack the proper execution as of yet.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Mockup Ident

So far I have mocked up a couple of idents. I have drawn pictures of the Brighton Eye and the Pavillion, and I have then animated it in After Effects to see what it would look like being drawn in. FOr my final ident I hope to find a way to record myself drawing it for the best effect. The length of the ident is 10 seconds.
Animation starts with the sky fading in
Each part of the picture comes in layer by layer
The final picture

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Change In Style

After talking about my idea with Chris, I have decided to change my art style to focus more on Brighton landmarks rather than making it based around people so the idents look more local and recognisable as Brighton, as I have drawn a couple of sketches in my book of these places and got better feedback from these drawings than the art style I was originally going to use. I will look at photos of Brighton and draw them in a similar style to the artists I have researched.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Art Research

I have looked at 2 artists in particular, as I like their art style and the way they use colour in their pictures.
The first artist I have looked at is Christopher Nielsen. I like the way his art is drawn, especially how his character designs look unique and how the colours and strokes are used throughout his art.

The second artist I have looked at is Ben Mounsley. His art style bears a resemblance to Christopher's in the way that he uses bold colours and less outlines on his pictures.

In my art, I hope to use a similar colouring style to these pictures, by using less outlines on my pictures and the same sort of colours that are used in these pieces.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Ident Research

After the talk with Val, I have looked at some existing idents for channels, to look at their length and timing.

This BBC Three Ident is 21 seconds long, which is rather long for a channel ident. The talkover part of the ident is around 10 seconds long, which is around the time the brief states that the ident should go on for.
When watching BBC Three on TV, one of their other idents went on for around 20 seconds, so the usual time for idents on BBC Three is 20 seconds long.

Really's idents go on for around 20 to 30 seconds, as they are fully animated scenes that are similar to that of comics. The talkover time seems to be around the same as the BBC Three ident, lasting around 10 to 15 seconds.

Channel 4 has a veriety of length for their idents, varying from 30 seconds to 5 seconds. Again, voiceovers last around 10 seconds. For our project, we will have to make various ident lengths, so it is helpful to see what Channel 4 have done with their footage to make various ident lengths. Many of the short idents are just sped up or parts of longer idents, which would a good idea to do with our own idents.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Meeting Val

After getting our brief for this project, we had a meeting with some of the people that work at Latest TV. From this meeting, we got some extra information on the channel, and what would be needed for the idents and what shows would be on the channel.

As the channel is local, the main target audience for the channel would be the locals of Brighton. The content on the channel will have various audiences, so the idents for the channel should be varied to suit most audiences. The channel will run for 24 hours and as well as having original show,s there will also be bought in content. The channel will be commited to local news and shows 2 hours a day. The main font of Latest TV is Verdana, and the logo colour is red so it would be best to stick with these as they are the channel's current branding.

The shows the are being thought of at the moment are Brighton Lights, The Vote, City Of, Deep and Meaningless, and Shuvit (Name of show may be changed).

Monday, 4 March 2013


You have been commissioned to deliver on screen branding for Latest TV for both the station as a whole and for individual programmes. 

You will design and create a station ident package identifying Latest TV, Channel 8, or both, consisting of at least the following:-
one ident long enough for a continuity voice over, in the region of 10 seconds, which may resolve with a loop or static graphic to allow for longer announcements
one channel branding ident of between 3 and 5 seconds
one short ident of around 1 second for punctuation, such as between ad breaks and shows
one sting from the bottom or side of the screen

Your ident and sting package needs to keep to a consistent and coherent concept and look and feel, while allowing for enough variation around your theme to keep it engaging and interesting.  You should aspire to create a range of versions much more extensive than the minimum requirements of the brief. 

You will be producing your ident package individually following the guidelines given by the client. 

You have also been allocated a programme to work on.  Most of the programmes require title sequences, end credit sequences, lower thirds designs and in show graphics, especially to act as punctuation between items, though the specific needs of the shows will vary and you need to follow the guidance from the client.  Some of the shows have been allocated to individuals, some to pairs.  If you are in pair, you may choose to collaborate or to work individually (and therefore competitively).  Even if you are competing, you must work together on your communication with the client and share information and resources that the client gives you. 

You need to create your TV Idents and Programme Packages at 1080p.