Friday, 11 November 2011


After brainstorming possible ideas, I then went on to make basic sketches for different poster ideas. These were all initial sketches, so the ideas do not link together much.
 My first sketch is a recruitment poster for Twitter, which uses a RAF poster. I thought this poster would be suitable as it set in the sky and the planes could easily changed into the Twitter logo, which is a bird.

My second idea was for a specialist recruitment poster for the site Myspace. I thought this would be a good idea as Myspace is declining in popularity and would need specialist recruitment to get members, and the original image could be changed to show the stereotypes of the site, such as the poster having a music oriented theme.

Following on from the Myspace/Facebook idea, the original poster shows how Britain strengthened within the war. This could easily be changed to be Myspace and Facebook throughout the years. Even though I thought this would be a good idea for my poster, I could not think of any way of showing it visually.

My final idea is from a security concern poster. It uses the theme of talking less so your information isn't over heard, and uses the Web 2.0 community of Anonymous to show this idea. I thought these two ideas would go together as Anonymous is notorious for hacking, which could happen if you aren't careful on the Internet.

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