Thursday, 10 November 2011


From my research, I then made brainstorms to condense my findings to get ideas for my posters.

This brainstorm was from the specialist recruitment posters I gathered. These were the main points from the posters that I could get, and from this brainstorm I came up with some ideas for my posters. These include using women as the focus for my poster as some sites have more of a male userbase so it would be relevant for Web 2.0.

This brainstorm was from my posters focused on maintaining morale. Again, I looked at the main themes of the posters for my brainstorms.

My last brainstorm was for the slogans for the posters about security problems. I looked at the slogans rather than the themes of the posters because almost all of the posters conveyed the same message. By looking at slogans, I could get ideas for my own poster.

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