Tuesday, 18 October 2011

My Finished Panoramas

After editing all of my panoramas, I exported them as jpegs and put the in the VR code so they can be viewed on a website interactively. These are my three finished panoramas:
This is the panorama that was taken on Cooksbridge's railway bridge. I think that this panorama was the most difficult one to stitch together as I had to use many techniques to put this together, and it was the one I started with first, so I had little experience with stitching images together beforehand. The main techniques I used for this panorama were warping specific parts of the image, and editing the brightness on many parts of the different images. I had most difficulty with aligning the background imagery together, and I had to warp many separate layers to make it flow well. The bridge was also difficult to edit as it was very close to the camera and there lots of different parts of it with different lighting.

This is the panorama that was taken in my living room. I felt that this was the second hardest to edit, as it was taken indoors. The main problems I had were with the lighting, as it changes drastically in some parts of the image. I had to use techniques such as brightness/contrast masking and dodge/burn just to get the colours to look similar. The objects in the room were also slightly difficult to align, but because I took so many photos, I could use layer masking to get rid of parts of an object on a higher layer and it would still look like one whole object when the layers were put together.

My third and final panorama was the one that was taken in my garden. I felt that this was the easiest to put together as the many bushes and trees made it more forgiving to stitch. This is because overlapping layers were disguised by the amount of foliage in the pictures. However, I had numerous problems with the lighting which were mostly fixed by using he Match Colour feature. I also had problems with putting the house together without it looking too warped. I ended up only using a few photos with the house in so the editing wasn't too intensive.

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