Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Class Crit

Upon finishing my panoramas, I showed them in front of my classmates for critique. Overall, I got positive feedback for each of my panoramas, with feedback saying that they were all edited together well and I was given little to no criticism on it.
The main part of my criticism was from my choice of locations, and that they were too bland. The choice of locations for the house and garden didn't have enough to look at, os if I had the time to choose my locations again, I would go for more interesting choices so there was more interesting things to look at in the photo.
The one piece of editing criticism I got was for the living room panorama where some of the wall colours didn't match up as well as the could have, but that was the only complaint.
From these criticisms, I think that I should have taken pictures in more interesting locations, although I would have to find a place that would also be easy to photograph with a tripod.

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