Before I start, I thought I'd plan out my time,so I can get my ebook finished for the deadline. I have also planned my time around crit, and should certain things done before then.
Where I started, so far I have thought of my idea and I kind of have an idea for my art style. In the first week of this project we started looking at existing ebooks and got the brief.
I should get the interview done for my story well before the pitch, so I can get some animation done to show. I'm planning to do this by getting a college microphone, and then interviewing my dad over the weekend. Then I can star my first animatics to get feedback from crit.
After this, I need to plan out my animations further on after effects before I start getting my main animations ready...
During November, I really need to get on with my drawings, animating, and then start putting everything into iBooks Author. Hopefully the drawings won't take too long, and I can get them done by around mid-November.
Lastly, by the start of December I should more-or-less be done, just making final touches to my ebook.
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