Saturday, 20 October 2012


Before making my animatics, I have storyboarded where everything should go beforehand. So far, my storyboards are very basic, but they give me an idea of where to animate everything for my animatics at this point.

This first part is a map scene, a plane will fly over parts of Europe until the map zooms in on Sussex, where the plane will then fly to Newick.

This scene starts the main part of the story. It starts in the sky, and then panning down to the town, where my Grand dad is walking to work. A man then shouts, that there is a plane overhead.

He then gets shocked, and sprints to the nearby bomb shelter. The plane then drops them bomb, causing an explosion.

This part show the explosion happening, and the glass being blasted from the windows.

Although I have not drawn it yet, I have planned to show my Granddad getting injured, and then being sent to hospital after the incident.

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