Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Looking at Animated Documentaries

As well as looking at existing ebooks to get a look at how they can be interactive, I have also looked at a couple of animations that are used as informative stories or documentaries.
This animations is called "The History of Evil", and is about evil from Ancient Greek mythology, to the present day. The whole thing is drawn in a cartoon-like style, which I like because I would like to do something like that for my own ebook. Although the animations are simple, it uses sounds and narration to make it entertaining throughout. As we have to have a narration in our ebook, this is a good example of what can be done in After Effects animation.

This animation is much more complex, as is about the Earth's orbit. It uses a lot of 3D models, and 3D diagrams, which can be done in After Effects. This gives me an idea of what I could produce if I had a lot of knowledge on the program, It is very informative, and the animations really help with talking in the information.

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