Sunday, 30 September 2012

Looking at Existing Ebooks

To get an understanding of what my ebook could look like, I found some existing ebooks to get some ideas on how to make a layout or how to tell my story.
After Googling fora bit, I found some good examples of ebooks, although many ebooks are for children as the interactivity makes it easier for them to understand the story.
This is a trailer for Alice in Wonderland, that was remastered for the iPad. It is a good example of how interactivity can work in an ebook. A lot of the interactivity in this book comes from the reader moving and changing the imagery in the book. The illustrations are also well done to give a better sense of the story. The interactions include a lot of motion, where you have to move the iPad around to change what happens to the pictures. This kind of interactivity works for the the target audience, which would be children.

This is another ebook aimed at children, through it seems to be much younger children (around the ages 2-6). The illustrations in this ebook are much more cartoon like, and has a lot of tutorials to tell kids what to do with the interactive parts of the book. There are also extra games and features, such as puzzles and even an editor to let children make their own stories. I would say that the interactivity and drawings work well for the audience.
This ebook is based off of an informative book, which is brought to life by this ebook rendition. It helps explain things further with the help of diagrams and illustrations. The amount of interactivity in this book is much greater than the ones aimed at younger children, as this one allows users to change parts of the diagrams to show different information, and makes it easier to understand for younger readers. This book really shows the capabilities of ebooks, and how they can really bring out the best from the original text and can make it more accessible to others.
Here is another informative ebook which really shows how the ipad can make learning more interesting. It is about showing things that happened through time, and as such, there is a timeline where you can quickly choose what to learn about, and like the other informative ebook, uses illustrations to compliment the text. There are also animations to make the information more interesting and accessible.

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