Friday, 13 April 2012

Thoughts on How My Site Looks So Far

After giving my website more gradients and a temporary banner, this is how my website looks:

Although all main parts of the site work, there are still a lot of problems with it in my opinion. I feel that the website is missing a lot of visual style, as the background for the site at the moment is a simple gradient. I said in my colour scheme proposal that I was going to use a grey background as some of the other websites used it to a good effect, however I feel as if it doesn't work on my site layout. The footer also looks very plain, and I should think of adding something like an image or text to it.
Design thoughts aside, I am also having troubles with my code, because if I add too much content to my main content box, the navigation bar does not go down with it. I need to look up how to fix this.

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