Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Logo Development

When I first started sketching up logo designs in my sketchbook, I was stuck for ideas as I had to think of a logo from scratch. I started by using wordplay on the word "paces" to come up with a foot or walking idea.
These were my initial ideas. The first one, in the top-left, was a simple foot. The letters were moving upwards to look like it was moving. I then went onto the the "parent and child" idea, as the name PACES comes from "Pant and Children's Educational Services", so I thought adding a parent and child together would work for a logo theme. The logo on the time was also based on the parent and child theme, but didn't use feet on the logo, but went on with a "moving on" theme, hence the arrow. I decided to scrap this idea and continue with the feet idea as I felt it was the stronger of the two.

After making the foot idea, I went to my current logo design. This included two different sized feet to represent a child and adult foot. I also added the meaning of PCES at the bottom of the logo.
This is my finished logo design. I aligned all the letters, unlike my sketch. I also changed with way the feet were ordered, although this design may change after my pitch.

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