Friday, 2 March 2012

Apple Motion

I used a little bit of Motion for my video. I used it make a text version of the America shaped word cloud, which I redid in a different font. This was slightly time consuming, as I had to rewrite all the text, rotate some parts and make them fit together in a new font.

After doing this, I added a camera to animate the text. This is done by selecting "Add Camera".
After adding the camera, I selected it and went to the inspector, where I could change the properties of the camera. From here I could change the points the camera was looking at by using the X and Y axis positions.

I wanted to zoom in on specific words, So I set a keyframe at the first word, so the camera would zoom to that point. After that, I left a keyframe a few moments after it so I would sync up with the words. I repeated this with all of the other words, so the camera would pan over to the different words.

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