Friday, 16 March 2012

Answers From the Client

Due to complications, we could not mee the client on Monday. However, we sent an email to the client that day, asking them questions about the site, such as asking for content and what the would like on the site. Here was what we got back from them:

"Do you have a current logo? If so would you like to have it rebranded?
No we do not have a real logo we have a letter header but that’s about it, so yes a new one would be amazing
Have you got a idea of what you would like the site to look like? For example colour scheme.
I am very open to ideas; I would like it to be very user friendly, I am sure I can leave this in your capable hands
Do you have content and testimonials (ofsted report)? Yes I will attatch it for you .
Do you want a community section where parents and visitors can comment?
That would be very good
Do you want a “team” section? If so please supply required information
Yes that also would be very good this could include some of our policies and procedures
Would you be happy for us to visit the Nursery to get a full understanding of how your business operates?
You would be very very welcome just name a day and time
Please supply all the content needed for the website, including prices and images
Poppy is going to be taking photos for us and currently we don’t have any I am afraid.
Prices are £3.50 per hour, telephone number 01273671675, 07841473049.
Parent And Children’s Educational Services  that’s what PACES stands for.
We offer training places to parents wishing to complete NVQ in childcare and education. We work closely with B/H city council.
Address Valley Social centre Whitehawk way Whitehawk Brighton BN2 5HE
Are you happy for us to email you with ideas, suggestions and further questions?
Of course I am happy to provide as much information as I can" 

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