Monday, 5 December 2011

Researching Urban Regeneration

"Urban renewal is a program of land redevelopment in areas of moderate to high density urban land use. Urban renewal may involve relocation of businesses, the demolition of structures, the relocation of people, and the use of eminent domain (government purchase of property for public purpose) as a legal instrument to take private property for city-initiated development projects."

In my own words, urban regeneration is the plans for development in run-down urban areas, so they become more appealing to the public and make the area feel more lively again. This can be done by setting up new businesses, building new houses or redesigning the whole area to give it a more modern look.
Examples of urban regeneration projects include Urban Splash and Croydon Vision 2020.

Urban Splash is a company that has done many renewal projects, and it mainly specialises in renewing old buildings. These include old industrial warehouses, Victorian terraced houses, and other similar buildings. The renewal helps create new houses or places for businesses, so the area where it was built can grow in popularity.
These are examples of renewal projects by Urban Splash:

Croydon Vision 2020 is an ongoing urban renewal project which focuses on the centre of Croydon. It is a major project which was first put forward in 1999, and there are plans for many new buildings in the area, as well as renewing older areas. So far, there are planned drawings of what the new area will look like.

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