Although I found starting off this project difficult, I think that in the end it was a successful project. I think this way because of the amount of positive feedback I got from my poster designs, although I had a weaker original pitch.
The things that I think went well in this project in my opinion were the poster designs. This is because I got artistic inspiration early on in my project, which allowed me to more time to develop my poster idea. In the end, the posters were a mix of modern design and artist inspired work. Again going back to feedback, there was little needed to be changed on the posters so I think that they were successful.
As for things that could have gone better, I think that I should have spent more time on developing the leaflet. On my first crit, my idea was very undeveloped and different from the rest of my work, which was apparent from the feedback that I got. I then has a short window of time to make the leaflet fit in with my other designs and get it laid out properly on InDesign.
My time management for this project was not as good as it could have been, as there was a three week break where I could have developed my ideas more. On my next project, I should schedule my time so I spend more time designing.
In conclusion, i think that this project went well although some parts on my designs ended up being rushed. The posters I made were the best part of my project, especially the second one which got the most positive feedback.
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