Monday, 28 November 2011


Overall, I think that this project went better than the first. Although I struggled at the start of the project to think of a strong idea, when I found the British propaganda I got many different ideas to choose from. I think that choosing the website Myspace over more popular options such as Facebook or Twitter will make my idea seem more original.
When it came to making the actual poster, I did not come across that many problems aside from the initial Illustrator learning process. After I learned how to use the program more effectively, I found making my poster rather simple. I think that I learned a lot of drawing techniques by using Illustrator.
As for time management, I think that I wasted a lot of time o the research as I found it difficult to think up an idea for my poster in the first place. Although, after coming up with some ideas I found it easy to keep up with the project and I got my poster finished on time.
In my opinion, I think that my finished poster looks good and it similar in style to the original. Things that I would change about it would be refining my image so it looked a bit less messy around the sides, although these are minor changes.

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