Monday, 11 June 2012


In this project, I feel that I have learned a lot about creating websites, especially when using CSS and jQuery. Although I still have a difficult time understanding Javascript, I managed to get all of it working on my site, and it works to a good effect.
Design-wise, I felt that my design was strong, which was also said by people when I presented my pitch. I liked that we could design whatever we wanted, as long was it was visually appealing. I could make my site represent me.
Although I had troubles getting my site to work at first, I eventually got the hang of it. Another time consuming part of my site was creating the backgrounds, and I didn't think it would take that long to make them.
One thing I wish I could have added on my site is to have a similar background to Pixelmess, which was much more complicated to code than mine. If I had more coding knowledge, I would have had overlapping background divs to make the game worlds seem more links, but I had to make do with just having one background image per content div.
There was also a slight problem with lag on that site, but that lag seems to vary between computers. There was lag from having multiple panoramas on my site, that I couldn't think of a better way to display them on a single page site.
Timing-wise, I felt very on time with this project. I was consistently updating my website, and I didn't feel that I rushed to get the site completed.
Overall, I really liked this project, even though I had a few difficulties with coding the site. I like my finished site also, and glad that I got it all finished a good amount of time before the deadline.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

My finished Site

This how my site looks now that I have added all the content.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Video Problems

When adding the video to my site, I encountered problems.
Although the video was working on Chrome, It would not work on other browsers. There was also a big problem with file size- as the video file was in my site files, it was taking up a lot of unnecessary space.
To prevent compatibility and site size issues, I decided to upload my video on a video sharing websites. I decided to choose Vimeo as the video will appear in high quality and will not take up space on my site.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Adding Content - Panoramas

For my panoramas, I used the codes we got given in that project. They also use jQuery, so I had to add the script for that from my original panorama folder.
I then found a content slider online, so the user can scroll between the three different panoramas.
This is the HTML for the panorama slider. The individual panoramas are inside the slider HTML.
The is the CSS for the slider. I changed the height and width of the container to fit the panoramas in. I also changed the arrow buttons that were provided in the slider to my own so it would fit better in the site.
This is the code for the panoramas.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Adding Content - Posters

For my posters I wanted to have a lightbox gallery so the images wouldn't take up too much space, unless the user wanted to zoom in on them. I had to add jQuery for lightbox to my site, and then add some css for the gallery.
This is the HTML for the gallery. I made thumbnail images which then link to the full images. I then had to link it to the Javascript by adding rel="lightbox". The [roadtrip] part of the code is so the user can scroll through the light box using left and right arrows.
This the CSS for the lightbox gallery.